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I feel like bread and circuses is still heavily present today, politicians dance around their words to stop themselves from telling us the complete. It isn't completely lying but sometimes they even do that, to target our attention on something miniscule instead of the issues affecting our country today. I don't want to get too deep into the specifics but I believe there are several American politicians who hold places of immeasurable power guilty of this.

I didn't know the Emmy's were only for tv shows before this week.

I feel like Gerbers theory actually carries some truth to it just by observing my own behavior. When I see the news about terrible events in my community it makes me scared. It makes me fear the place that I've been living in for so long. But at the same time, I feel like a lot of that fear is actually justified, this universal theory cannot apply to everyone's situation around the world because its only trying to take a vast look at things. It weakens itself because it doesn't hyper focus into any credible reasons why people actually become fearful of their environments, and I don't me statistics, I mean something deeper, something more substantial than that.

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