News Engagement Day

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For context, I am not a fan of social media, so I had to express my news engagement in another way. I will not count these 32 words in the 150 words.

I read a  New York Times article about a recent Facebook whistleblower named Frances Haugen who's been exposing its secrets. She was a former member of Facebooks civic misinformation team for two years before its disbandment by Facebook. This includes thousands of documents from Facebook she leaked that showed how they've mislead people, as well as her three hour testimony to a Senate subcommittee. One of her main points was that Facebook has knowingly let hateful and harmful content spread because it increases their engagement, and more engagement means more money for them, along with how the company has hidden research that showed teenagers felt worse about themselves after using Facebook. She alleges that disputing knowing all this, Facebook executives refuse to make any meaningful change to the service, only utilizing ai's that can only detect 10 to 20 percent of hateful content. What made this stand out to me is how we were literally just discussing the regulation of internet companies like Facebook last week. The amount of unchecked power and influence these companies have is quite frankly ridiculous and needs changing.


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