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Tensions flare between news and student government at John Carroll University

 by Eddie Marotta

Carroll News Editors discussed their prominent role within the boundaries of campus as print news continues its popularity at John Carroll University.

During a visit to a journalism class on Friday, Feb. 3, Mary Frances McGowan, Editor in Chief of paper, along with Carly Cundiff, the Managing Editor, discussed the peculiar role that news plays on a small campus:

 “John Carroll is in this weird bubble where the students really like to have a newspaper instead of an online form… for some reason, students just really like picking up the newspaper.”

With the popularity of print news at John Carroll continuing to play an essential role in campus life, students and faculty alike take an extra look at what an outlet of information such as the Carroll News has to say. With tension between the role of student union and the newspaper being in flux at many points in time, and a critical look at the body of government generally being taken by the paper, the news editors were confident that things are heading in the right direction between the two:

 “The new student union is a lot more active than it was in the past, so we’re going to be making sure that if anything of importance happens, we will be reporting on it.”

One of the major points of scrutiny that the Carroll News had for student union was their handling of the “Mock Wall” event that transpired just over a year ago on campus. Without any action being taken during a time of uncertainty on campus, the news was not quiet about their point of view. With major success in their timely coverage of the event, the news outlet was contacted by many largely regarded Cleveland News sources, namely, Channel 3 News in Cleveland.

Promising steps have been taken since this time, and the Carroll News has taken a more optimistic approach towards student union since the Mock Wall. With a popularity that has now waivered over the past years, students around campus, as well as alumni around the nation, have increased trust in student union on John Carroll’s campus.


Principles of Journalism

1997- Committee of Concerned Journalism looks for reasons why journalists do what they do/ how they do it

1. Journalists have their main obligation to the truth.

2. First loyalty is to the citizens.

3. Its essence is Discipline of Verification

  • bias must not undermine quality of work.
  • separates journalism from propaganda and other forms of media.

4. Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.

5. It must serve as an independent monitor of power.

6. It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.

7. It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant.

8. It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional.

9. Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience.




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