Monday Jan. 30

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Lead- The first paragraph of story.

Example... Eleven or more individuals are missing and feared dead after an explosion occurred earlier in the day at the Deep Water Horizon Oil Rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Hard News- A story that must be told right away. It cannot wait, otherwise it will be out of date. Hard News stories are written using the inverted pyramid style (Most Important--> Least Important).

Inverted Pyramid style originated as a result of the telegraph.

Telegraphs would sometimes be cut off in the middle. Completed telegraphs were marked by a "-30-" at the end.

Newspapers join the Associated Press and allow them to use their stories for publication. The AP uses the wire to gather stories, re-write them, and post with original writer on a byline. AP has a specific style that they and others associated with them follow. One rule of AP Style states that after their first mention, individuals are only referred to by their last names. 

Asking questions- a vital part of Journalism.

List of questions for Friday:

(Group- Eddie Marotta, Matt Alexander, Kevin Kelleher, Codey Zurek)

1.) What is your main role in the newspaper?

2.) How do you gather and put together information for an article?

3.) What is the first step you take in the early stages of writing an article?

4.) How do you formulate a specific style of writing for the newspaper?

5.) How does writing for the newspaper differ from writing articles for class?

6.) What steps are taken before a story can get published?

7.) How long does a story take to get published?

8.) Since the Carroll News is published weekly, not daily, how do you determine the importance of articles that are written and what to cover?


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